Are you unsure of your major? Or, are you sure of your major, but unsure about what career you want to pursue? Unsure about what careers your major leads to? Are you sure of your career path, but want to spend time thinking about the best avenue to achieving success in your field? This workshop explores what you are looking for in a satisfying career and then suggests many careers and fields that might be satisfying to you. Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), you will learn about yourself and specific careers that will likely interest you. You will also learn how to conduct career research to determine if a career is one you want to consider further or not. Once you learn what resources and processes to use to research a career, you can research any career! You will leave this workshop with an analysis of what you are looking for in a satisfying career, your MBTI results and an understanding of what they mean, career suggestions specific to you, and you will have researched one career.